30 Days UI/UX Design Challenge-Day 10.

Beauty Ohia
2 min readAug 11, 2020


I am here again, on Day 10, of my ongoing 30 days UI/UX Challenge. I welcome both my old and new subscribers, On Today’s episode, i created social share screens,All of the sharing buttons that I’ve seen are very similar and pretty generic, so I wanted to create something new that was fun and playful to encourage sharing. I went with an unknown food mobile site and switched out the logo for a sort icon.

Today, on my research i learned that “simple interface doesn’t just mean a simple visual design, though. More importantly, it means that available interface options are designed, placed and presented intuitively”.Usability is a crucial part of every design, especially on websites with a large number of functions and users.

Throughout history, people came up with various ways of communicating: through posts, pigeons, telegraphs, light signals, and telephone. Getting responses a few hundred years ago meant waiting for months or a year. Thankfully humans never stopped looking for a faster method of communication. The 20th century brought us the internet. I curated this social share to make it possible for users to send images, letters, in an effective way to various social networks without having to leave the site or page they were.

